Got some Easter pics to share with everyone. Funny story though (in an ironic sort of way). So I'm not sure if everyone knows this, but I've had to take Emma off the refined sugar (except for the once in a while small treat) because that mixed with tiredness and not getting her own way means major meltdown. Makes for some interesting days (and by interesting I mean "oh my gosh want to tear my hair out" days). We took the kids to the local grocery store to get their picture with the Easter bunny and there was a "count the jelly beans in the jar" contest as well as a "count the smartie packs in a jar." I love those contests, so while we're waiting I put in a fun guess in for Aidan on both, but the tickets with Emma's name on them I make a real guess. Beau said 1100 for the jelly beans, so I put 1138. For the Smarties, I put something like 92 or something. We get their pictures and then leave to go to the Easter egg hunt at Golfland. On Monday we get a call that Emma has won the guessing game--oh wait! Not just one, but both!!!! I couldn't believe it! (Maybe Beau and I should take a trip to Vegas and play roulette or something :-)) I listen to the message and go, oh crap! They're going to give us both jars of candy...which they did, but they also gave her 2 baskets with a cute bunny and sidewalk chalk, one of which she gave to her brother. I kept the jelly beans for a couple of days to try using as potty treats for Aidan (yes, we totally regressed when we moved here-if I haven't told you that story, ask me to), but I kind of knew what was going to happen. They made such a fuss over wanting more, more, more candy, that I ended up throwing them in the trash. So that was fun. Emma was so excited at winning something, she kept saying, "I've never won anything before."
That same day we went on to an Easter egg hunt at Golfland. It's a miniature golf place like Boomers in SDC (San Diego County). We let the kids go to that one because they put token and free miniature golf tickets in a lot of the eggs, so it's fun to go back when it's warmer and redeem those. I have to say though, their mini golf course is short and not as cool as the ones I grew up with. Same as last year, it was freezing out when we went egg hunting. Emma was disappointed that she couldn't wear a sleeveless dress and sandals for Easter again. (We're working on that, maybe next year she can).
Golfland always has a TON of
eggs. We let the kids go out
and have fun. I usually walk next to Aidan to make sure he doesn't get trampled on. Boy are some parents aggressive! Obviously Aidan and I were in the 1-3 year old section and there was this one mom who kept "coaching" her 3 probably almost 4-year old on what to do. I think the dad was getting aggravated at her-that was amusing to watch...hehehe.
The next weekend we went to another egg hunt at someone's house.
A co-worker of Angel's invited us last year and again this year. They also have a ton a eggs and lots of food. They are Swedish, I think, so there was a hazelnut cake and all kinds of yummy dessert foods.
That was fun.
BTW, notice how Beau still has coffee in his hands? I think when he dies, I might have them put him in the coffin with a Starbucks cup in his hand...Hehehe!
For Easter we went to church, had a ham and sides and hung out. Another relaxing holiday.
Hope yours was great! Talk to you all soon!
:-) Maria
Next year maybe you could simulate tetonic plate movement with wax and a soldering iron, in an aquarium. I would be cool. Of course you'll be competing in Austin, which has a somewhat of a tech base.
don't worry Beau I to shall never give up my coffee fix. Starbucks however, is fast sinking below McDs. But I give you props for loyalty.
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