Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Before I forget...

I had to mention this before I forget. The kids have always said funny things and it cracks me up, but tend to forget as time goes by. For example, Dom used to watch Dora at 2 and 3. On one show they had to choose which road Dora should take and say it in Spanish. Dom was choosing the yellow one, but he kept yelling Armadillo! Armadillo! instead of Armarillo, and it was sooo cute. I don't know how many of you are familiar with Pioneer Clubs. I was part of Pioneer Girls as a kid and loved it. It's kind of a Christian alternative to Girl Scouts. You earn achievement badges for things like cooking and sewing and fishing as well as Bible badges for learning verses and doing book units on kindness and that sort of thing. Anyway, Emma has started going on Monday nights here in CT and it kills Aidan that he can't go. But he has reconciled it within himself that he can go to "Pineapple Boys" when he is 4. ROFL! It kills me every time he says it. Because then he says he is done being 2 and would like to be 4 now. Crazy kid is a crack up!

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